Vacation from Vacation
Have you ever gotten back from a vacation and declared “I NEED A VACATION FROM MY VACATION!!”? Yep- totally understandable and we all tend to overexert ourselves while traveling. Its hard not to do! So much to do and see and eat and try….. The tendency to over-schedule and oversaturate is real. Here’s the thing though- when we do that the chances of us starting to tune out to the experiences around us and slowly shut down happen quickly. It becomes impossible to truly enjoy the trip when you are run ragged and exhausted. And most importantly going home and diving back into the grind already depleted is not only setting yourself up for more stress it’s not leaving you with the soul-filling, positive energy that a good trip should.
Nourish Yourself
Taking time to nourish yourself while traveling is so important and can be done on any trip! Carlie Grob is Purposeful Nomads yoga teacher, meditation leader, nutritious chef and all around giver of enlightenment and rejuvenation! She can be found on our retreats and truly has been a gift to the Purposeful Nomad community. Here are her wise words about how to incorporate more nourishment into your travels:
PN: What Purposeful Nomad trips have you been on?
CG: I have participated in every Dominican Republic and Orcas Island trip with Purposeful Nomad. Though my role has always been chef and teacher, without a doubt I’ve felt as much a beneficiary of these journeys and the myriad gifts they offer.
PN: What was your favorite part of traveling with Purposeful Nomad?
CG: What I love and treasure so much about traveling with Purposeful Nomad is how thorough and intentional the trips are as a complete offering. Caitlin has such a marvelous way of thinking through each and every little detail. As a guest and participant, you feel deeply nurtured by the experience. One can trust that whatever needs and wants may arise during the time together, you are catered to by your host.
I love that there’s always such diversity of activities, time spent in group as well as time to explore on your own, rest and relaxation but also organized adventures. You can trust that by the time of departure, you’ve been nurtured – body, mind and spirit – by the incredible offerings of the trip itself and the connections made.
Gathering fresh veggies for our Orcas island retreat
PN: How have you helped women to connect with their mind, body, and spirit during Purposeful Nomad trips?
CG: This question is near and dear to my heart. The gift of sharing practices and intentional conversation, meditation and food, and inspiring a reconnection to our deeper lives, is a fierce love of mine.
I believe in the healing power of coming together for periods of time. I also believe in imbuing that time with an intention to be in connection to our hearts and our needs. This is often hard in day to day living! Slowing down, sharing inspiring conversations, connecting with strangers, and nourishing our physical bodies with healthy food and movement is vital to the rejuvenation of spirit and our overall well being. It is a blessing to share these lessons with new groups of women every single trip!
PN: Why is it important for women to nourish their mind, body, and spirit while they travel?
CG: The importance of nourishing the mind, body and spirit while traveling is about being embodied in your highest self. When we feel comfortable, safe, inspired, passionate, and curious, we are able to be our brightest selves. This is when we are able to offer the external world the best version of who we are.
Traveling is all about sharing energy and interacting in new ways with new people. We leave impressions on those we encounter around the world. Likewise, we are touched by the friends and acquaintances we cross. It’s a beautiful opportunity for cultural exchange a chance bring that shared connection back into our lives.
PN: What tips do you have for women so that they can nourish their body, mind, and spirit during their independent travels?
CG: Always take time for yourself. A quiet morning with a cup of tea and a few deep breaths before immersing yourself in a new place is a brilliant way to ground into yourself. While we are away from the creature comforts of our homes, it is all the more important to find comfort in the home of yourself.
Travel can be taxing on our physical and emotional bodies. Always make sure you’re checking in on how you’re feeling and look at what is coming up for you while being away from home. Be kind to yourself and remember that just because you’re on an adventurous trip, you can still take a day to chill, sleep in, and treat yo’ self!
Learn more about what Carlie is up to at and follow her on instagram @a.sacred.table